Minggu, 29 Maret 2009


by : Anwar Mashudi, S.Pd

Everybody in this world has intelegence. We can mention many people who have wonderfull intelligence. Albert Enstein, Michael Jordan, Picasso, Elie Wiesel, John Steinbeck, Mozart, etc. They have been acknowledged by the world that they are genius people for their field. For example Mozart. He was an expert in music. Albert Enstein, he was an expert in mathematic. They really impressed us. And now, the question is “ HOW COME ?” How they can be brilliant in their field? Was it a special secret ? Or maybe, they were created to be a brilliant people by God? Of course, the answer is “NO”. They were created same like us.

They had same number of brain cells just like a normal people, around 1000.000.000.000 (1 quantillion) of brain cells. The difference is : they try to find out their intelegence and improve it maximally. They never gave up easily to find something or to solve problem.
Unfortunately, almost all of the students in this country, don’t want to do the same just like them. It’s very easy for them to give up easily when facing difficult things. They don’t want to find their intelligence, or maybe they want to, but they don’t know the way.

How Can We Know Our Intelegence ?
There are many ways for knowing our intelegence
1. Taking Intelegence Test

By taking intelegence test, you can get a picture of your capability. Valid or not the measurement depends on your self. When doing the test, believe in your self and don’t cheat in order to, you get a real number that represent your intelegence. There are a lot of institutions holding it. Usually, many senior high schools make cooperation with that institution to measure their students’ intelegence. This activity is done when majoring. Which the best major for a student is determined from the result of that test. Besides, you can get the test from psychology books discussing about it.

2. Trying and Learning a lot of Knowledge in Whatever Science

If you are still doubt with the result of the test, you can do the others way by trying and learning many knowledges. You will feel the different when you learn one object and easy when learning language, in the other hand you feel confuse and difficult when you learn one object and the others. For example : you feel enjoy and easy when learning language, in the other hand you feel confuse and difficult when learning mathematic.It indicates that your intelegence is linguistic intelegence. In short, we can conclude indicationsof intelegence are :
a. You feel comfort and enthusian when learning it. b. You can solve many exercise in that field easily than the others c. You don’t give up easily when facing trouble d. Easy to enter into brain memory
3. Getting more information from your close friend about your strength and your weakness

Sometime our close friend can contribute for giving information about us. After being together for many years, they must be know about your capability..

1 komentar:

  1. subhanallah.......amazing....briliant girl...

    weh...ntar da yang GR...owkey tingkatkan terus mba...

    slamat berkarya...


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